Training Portal

The Training Portal is an internal company tool to:

catalogue all the training resources and log all the training activities in order to make them more accessible and discoverable.

In brief, the goal is twofold:

  • catalog all the available resources related to training, for example: documents on sharepoint, practices, handbook sections, tutorials, howtos, courses (LMS and others)
  • log all the training activities we do or promote as training circle. This include workshops, hands-on labs, challenges (such as "advent of code"), katas, meetups and so on.

The Training Portal is an initiative of the Training Circle.


How to contribute?

Contributing is very simple! The training portal is built using Docusaurus, so all that is needed is an idea and a markdown file to contribute. Check the how-to on the Training Portal.

If you have any ideas, but don't know how to get started, open an issue on GitLab and ask for help.

What can I find in the Training Portal?

Documentation (catalog)

Tutorials, how-tos, practices, and links to documents or courses on various topics. The training portal is divided into Tech resources, Leadership resources, Agile Lab Culture, and links to other internal learning platforms.

Whenever someone in Agile Lab creates a new training document (be it a PDF document, slides, markdown, code exsercises, you name it) there is a central place to make it discoverable.

Blog (log)

The Training Portal Blog is the collection point for all the training activities we carry out or promote as the Training circle. The posts are taggeg and archived in order to create a permanent record of Agile Lab activities. The post also contains links to resources such as documents, video recordings, repos or other related material.

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