As part of the benefits offered to employees, Agile Lab offers the opportunity to attend one international conference per year, leveraging company money following the boundaries listed in Welfare & Benefits.

The process to attend an international conference is listed below.

Checklist and accountabilities

Once identified the conference to attend to, an employee must:

  1. Get the participation approved by your coach (project lead/lead link);
  2. Broadcast the conference opportunity on Teams in the BigData/conferences channel: not travelling alone is helpful in getting more involved in conference networking, joining multiple talks in parallel and have more fun;
  3. Purchase the conference ticket with your own money. Ask for reimbursement for these expenses on ElapseIt. If you still have personal budget that can cover these expenses, the cost of the conference ticket will reimbursed with the next payroll;
  4. Research on your own travel tickets and accommodation, according to the rules as in SpendingCompanyMoney;
  5. Book travel tickets and accommodation for this trip on Bizaway platform;
  6. Enjoy the conference!
  7. While you're there, take notes during the attended talks and Post on teams channel BigData > conferences any meaningful insights that can support/improve company's technical skills and/or open to new opportunities. Given that multiple people could attend to multiple talks in the same conference, each of the participants has the accountability of sharing their personal insights.

That's it! Pretty simple, right? A small accountability for a big benefit. :)

Checklist for the coach

Which are the drivers that should be taken in account to evaluate conferences:

  • Is the conference aligned with the individual career path, technical progression and personal goals ?
  • Is the conference aligned with the technical strategy of the company ?
  • Is the conference aligned with team goals and needs ?

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