Gender Equality Management System

Agile Lab S.r.l. has adopted a management system based on the principles of diversity and inclusion and, more generally, on the values of gender equality referred to the UNI PDR 125:2022 Guidelines. This process was achieved by formalizing the practices stably implemented within the organization.

In fact, Agile Lab S.r.l., since its origins, has paid special attention to the definition of an inclusive work environment, attentive to respect for diversity and aimed at ensuring the widest application of the principle of equal access to experiences and opportunities that can foster the professional development and career progression of each individual part of the staff.

Agile Lab is engaged in the internal and external communication concerning the intentions it wants to achieve in terms of effective gender equality.

In order to ensure the continuous improvement of the organization specifical process indicators are periodically defined and analyzed according to dedicated internal procedures.

Internal policies and strategies in terms of diversity, inclusion, and gender equality aim to create a work environment that respects the principles of gender equality and also mandatory regulations and new guidelines in terms of an inclusive workplace.

In order to monitor its internal management system for gender equality, Agile Lab has also implemented a Gender Equality Committee with specific monitoring, analysis and implementation tasks.

Agile Lab is committed to conducting periodical internal audits and undergoing external verifications to ensure compliance with UNI PDR 125:2022 requirements and to continuously monitor and improve its internal management practices.

Agile Lab recognizes that business success cannot be separated from personal growth and equal opportunities for its staff. Investing in equal access to positions, equitable career path, parenting and work-life balance, protection of diversity and inclusion, is a fundamental pillar for creating a positive and successful long-term work environment.

Plese also refer to Company and Compliance section for additional information.

Any complaint regarding aspects relating to the application of the UNI PDR 125:2022 standard by Agile Lab can be submitted directly on our website at the link

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